Sunday, January 18, 2009


I've heard it said before that a mother is "defined by her children," "only as happy as her least-happy child," "deserves what she gets," etc. If I am defined by my children, what word would you look up in the dictionary to find me? If I am only as happy as my least happy child, no wonder I'm a wreck half of the time. And if I in fact deserve what I got, I must have been stubborn, knew everything, and challenged my parents on a daily basis. I've often wondered what kind of a person I would be today if I hadn't had the opportunity to be a mother. Would I still be naturally blond, instead of covering-the-gray blond? Would I have no wrinkles on my face because there would have been no stresses in my life? Would I have travelled the world and accomplished great things? I have thought about this a lot lately and have come to the conclusion that I wouldn't trade my experiences of motherhood for anything else in the world. Not anything! Now--unless my children think that life with them has been only stressful and wrinkle-producing times, it hasn't been. I have started writing a "book" for each of you with all my remembrances of your lives: the funny times, the times of growth, the sad times, etc. I'm starting to get feeble of mind, so I better accomplish this task before I forget everything.

We've had our challenges--each one of us. And I think we are better for it and hopefully have learned to grow through what life throws us. I am proud of each of my children for what they accomplish and most importantly for who they are. My life as a mother is the best

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